
Succinct and to the Point

March 7, 2024


Is it possible to describe our experience and our relationship to grief in brief form? Is it possible to pinpoint where we are at in our grief process in as few words as we can?

The answer of course is “yes”. It may sound simple but it’s not easy. It requires great focus, thought and can be time well spent.


Recently, I went to an author talk featuring Michelle Norris discussing her book Our Hidden Conversations; What Americans Think about Race and Identity. What was very engaging about the book and the 14-year race card project it took to write it was she asked people to use only 6 words to tell their views. The 6-word authorship (sometimes called “Flash Fiction/NonFiction”) is something I have utilized in courses I teach as well as counseling groups I lead. Here is your challenge should you choose to take it.


Use 6 words (not 5, not 7) and write a story with any or all of the following prompts – replies below are from clients:


Write a story about your person.

(She was more than an addict)

Write a story about YOU before your person died.

(Dreams can come true by believing)

Write a story about YOU after your person died.

(Miss you, every day, never ends)

Write a story about a good memory.

(The time we went all in)

Write a story about something that gives you hope.

(Your presence will be with me)

Write a story about something you wished people knew about your grief.

(I struggle more than they think)


Our stories mean different things to us as different times and stages of our lives. Try writing a story(ies) and put it away. Then, without looking at what you wrote previously write a story with the same prompt months later. Then look at both stories.


What’s your story?