The way out of grief is to go through it.

The H.E.A.L.I.N.G. program works with individuals, groups, schools, agencies, and organizations to validate, normalize, and educate their process through grief.

Ken Barringer, M.A., LMHC


Phone: 617-969-2200 x12

Grief and Loss

Grief and loss are part of every human’s experience. Grief is complex, personal and unique to our experience, loss history and what we have been taught about how we should be managing it. Who among us has never been impacted by the death of someone we cared about (and the response to that is grief), or suffered a psychosocial / non-death loss that could be as powerful as a death (divorce, catastrophic injury, job loss)? Grief and loss do not recognize age, race, religion, culture, gender, or socio-economic group.  However, these are factors in how grief and loss are processed.


At the time of loss there is a natural tendency to protect ourselves by denying or repressing our feelings. We may hope that by moving on we will outlast the period of mourning and bereavement. However, grief over any meaningful relationship does not end. What we are tasked to do is remake the relationship and integrate the loss into our lives going forward. When we neglect our feelings around grief the impact of the loss may surface in us behaviorally, cognitively, physically, socially and/or spiritually. 


Ken Barringer, M.A., LMHC has worked in the field of mental health since 1984 and is the Director of the Academy in Newton, as well as an Adjunct Faculty member at Lesley University, Division of Counseling and Psychology. He is also a member of the American Counseling Association, Massachusetts Mental Health Counselors Association, Association for Counseling Education and Supervision, and the Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development.

  • Grief practice since 1996: Individual, group, family counseling , adolescents, and adults
  • Consultant since 2001 for schools and businesses in aftermath of community tragedies (suicide, homicide) and national tragedies (mass shootings and its impact on their community)
  • Clinical consultant Camp Erin® Boston: National bereavement summer camp /children & adolescents
  • Adult support facilitator – Heartplay℠ , monthly bereavement program
  • Developed grief support groups at several high schools private and public
  • Monthly consultations for hospice workers
  • Host of the Grief in Brief Podcast
  • Author: Monthly email newsletter on grief and loss
  • Speaker at professional and community events
  • Developed the Taste of Healing events open to the public. (Click here to see past events.)  



How Managers Can Collaborate with Grieving Employees

A Grief and Loss Responsive Community


Ken offers assessment and planning for businesses, schools, or other organizations in the aftermath of loss. 

Services Offered

Blooming flower
  • Individual and family counseling and consultation
  • Grief support groups (please see below)

  • Assessment and planning for businesses, schools, or other organizations in the aftermath of loss or in developing a more compassionate, grief responsive work environment (Learn More)
  • Teaching and training
  • Free monthly newsletter with articles, resources, book and film recommendations, and more. CLICK HERE to subscribe and join the email community of over 200 others!


Ken currently offers 3 different grief support groups. Read below to learn more and see if participating in one is right for you. 

Monthly Caregiver Group

The term caregiver encompasses a range of people. One could be a parent caring for their child or parent; grandparent raising a grandchild; aunt and uncle raising their nephew; a friend who has been asked to care for a teen; a foster couple with temporary custody of a child. Whatever the situation, caregivers can find themselves feeling taxed working in the aftermath of trauma and loss that has left them in a new role. This monthly group creates space for caregivers to receive validation, support, camaraderie and normalization of their experience. 

This group meets in-person.

Confirm your interest to

Ken Barringer

Monthly  Adult Grief Group

Age 22 – 35

While some important tasks of those in early adulthood can be achieving financial independence, committing to a significant relationship, or negotiating many next-step decisions, it doesn’t make them immune from grief. However, viable, appropriate groups often are not available. Group services tend to be specialized for children in school, hospice related or for a specific type of loss. There are few spaces for people in this age demographic to get supported by their peers regardless of the type of loss they have experienced. H.E.A.L.I.N.G.’s Adult Group is just such a place. This monthly group creates an opportunity for participants to receive validation, support, camaraderie, and normalization of their experience. 

Groups meet one time per month, on Mondays or Tuesday nights, in-person (Newton, MA) and are limited in size. 

Confirm your interest to

Ken Barringer

Monthly  Health Care Professionals Group

Healthcare professionals have always been on the front line. Being present, available, and responsive to others in their time of need is often what has drawn people to their chosen professions. However, where do you get your support? Where and how do you get your experience and the range of emotions validated? Health care professionals ranging from hospice workers to nurses, private counselors to agency directors, can find respite and reward through the normalization inherent in a group experience.

Groups meet one time each month, in-person and are limited in size. 

Confirm your interest to Ken Barringer.


Where Lies Grief?

If you asked most people to define grief, they would say something to the effect of, “a thing you go through when somebody dies”. Do we ever think grief occurs wherever there is…

Between Hope and Fear

In Pema Chodron’s seminal book Comfortable with Uncertainty, teaching number 28 on cultivating fearlessness and compassion is dedicated to Hope and Fear. While it may not seem it…

Be careful when using "Loved One."

This title is kind of an odd sentence. Why be careful? What is there to be careful about? Convention language when addressing someone who had a death loss is to reference their…

The Fluidity of Acceptance

Coming to a place of acceptance that our person has died, or something traumatic has happened to us or we have had a significant non-death loss does not mean we won’t have to…

The Case for Community

In the spring of 2023 the Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy, discussed a public health crisis of loneliness, isolation and lack of connection which were already underway…

Sadness is not necessarily a problem that needs a solution.

Grievers may not experience their sadness as a problem so much as recognizing it’s a state they’re in. When grievers get concerned about their sadness it’s due in part to others…


Listen now!

Grief in Brief is a podcast hosted by Ken Barringer, LMHC a mental health counselor with a specialty in grief and loss. In each episode you will hear a conversation with an someone sharing a deeply personal story about their loss, or an expert discussing ways to manage the intense feelings and emotions that can accompany grief and loss, or a talk with a professional working in an area where we may not think of loss.  Most episodes are between 15 – 20 minutes in length. There is also great irony in the title as Grief is NOT Brief. In fact, it's a marathon in a world that loves sprints!

Listen to the podcast now by searching, "Grief is Brief with Ken Barringer" on Spotify, Apple Itunes, and most other networks!

HEALING is a division of The Academy of Physical and Social Development, Inc.